Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)


The groundbreaking Safe and Sound Protocol, developed by Dr. Steven Porges, stimulates the functioning of the Social Engagement Nervous System by toning the structures of the middle ear to hear the human voice and sounds of safety.  The SSP works for children and adults, and has shown results in the following areas:

  • Sound sensitivities, Misophonia, Tinnitus

  • Vagal regulation (e.g. state regulation, digestion, sleep)

  • Anxiety and Chronic Pain

A client who has used this protocol reported:

One week after finishing protocol: "The first couple of days after were really intense. My ears were extra sensitive and being outdoors was uncomfortable. I relied on headphones and calm music to get through it. The subway used to make me nervous because I'd feel overwhelmed by the sound of the train screeching on the tracks. Now I can isolate the sounds of children laughing and pleasant conversation which put me at ease. When I'm in crowded places such as restaurants or stores I am able to focus on background music instead of feeling overwhelmed. I've also felt more comfortable in social situations and an overall state of calm. "
Same client 5 months after finishing:
“I haven’t had a panic attack in 5 months and I was having them daily. I feel a lot more relaxed and I’m able to calm myself in situations that were otherwise difficult. For example, I used to get panic attacks on the subway, and now that I can hear people’s voices it allows me to stay calm. It has truly changed my life.”

“There seems to be a better sense of control about my emotions and a sense of balance and calm. It has been extremely rewarding to be more deliberate and aware of my reactions. This change has improved the communication and conflict resolution in some of my most important relationships.”